Things are good as can be right now, for the time being, where we are both enjoying the pregnancy more and more. This has been an exciting time for us as well, with work on the nursery well under way. As I am writing this, I see that we are 115 days away from the due-date of August 20th, so not quite 4 months. Jo Marie and I are both ready for our little buddy to get here. I should note that I am finally able to feel little Max moving around and kicking from time to time. It took a while, but the feeling you get when you can lay your hand on Joie's baby bump and feel movement is hard to describe. And every now and again, you can even see him move, which is really weird, but way cool!
Also, Jo Marie put in her notice to not renew her contract at school next year, so she will officially take up the ever-difficult job of "stay at home mom." I know she is excited about that decision, as am I. We booked a trip to Disney World and to St. Petersburg, Fl for late May after she is done with school, to celebrate being done with another school year, and to have a little break from Lawrence life before a long, exciting summer.
Thanks as always for caring enough about us to spend a few minutes on Max's webpage. We are finding this blog fun to keep up with, and are tickled that you all are enjoying it with us. Stay tuned for some nursery pictures, and it isn't too late to send your license plate!