A lot has happened since our last post. Most importantly, he's smiling (he is sleeping in the picture above, but it still resembles a smile - that pic was taken at the Dr). It is the greatest. We visited the pediatrician a couple of weeks ago and everything looked good. He weight 9 lbs 1 oz (15th percentile) and was 22 3/4 inches long (75th percentile). We had a visit from Lizzie Shepherd and she taught us some of the tricks of the trade that she acquired from her experience with her girls. I am a little afraid to type it for fear of jinxing things, but Max is sleeping at least one 5 hour stretch in the night. It is amazing. I am finally feeling a little rested.
Things to come: HALLOWEEN. Would it surprise you if I said that I currently have three Halloween costumes in the running for Max? It is a little ridiculous, but my am I having a blast with it!
I LOVE the sleeping pic, absolutely adoreable!
What are the costumes?! Do tell...